Photo Credit: Erin Bareham

Monday, December 28, 2009

Sense of Humor! Definitely Beautiful!

I've always been proud of my sense of humor. I'm not sure everyone thinks its beautiful. But I like it. I can laugh at myself and make the world's biggest fool of myself and I really don't care what people think. Well that's a total lie. I do care what people think far too often (and that's definitely a different entry entirely). I tend to care more when I'm alone. But if I'm with friends, I want them to have a good time so I will make an absolute idiot of myself to make someone I love smile.

I think sometimes I pride myself on being classy. I do tend to be in a world where its expected of me. I sing with the local philharmonic and in a chamber choir. You can't do that stuff in that world. My God people would have an aneurysm!

Though even in that world I find moments where I can make people smile. There is this one incredible conductor who comes into town at least once yearly for Messiah. He's wonderful, he inspires me. He does this thing where he makes a total fool of himself (court jester type fool and I love it) by playing Handel himself for a performance. Trust me you have never seen such amazing conducting as when a man can keep an orchestra going with wine in one hand and a turkey leg in the other. Anyhow... Maestro also makes me laugh enough to earn me a bad reputation in the chorus. He's such a joy to be around and even for a man, he is beautiful!

Hmm... even at work I find myself to be a little more straight laced than I'd like (the whole professional image and such). Really I'd like to play the fool more often but I tend to try to keep things going and professional. I am an assistant after all!I've been improvising for years (or trying to at least)... I love that it teaches me to laugh at myself. I see so much joy and beauty in laughter. It is a curative and brings people together. I know someone who is a member of clowns without borders. In my mind, this woman is an absolute angel. I'm sure she doesn't see it. But she goes half way round the world to South Africa to do clown shows in the most remote places in not the best conditions (her stories of her adventures are fantastic). I LOVE the photos she brings back. Of her and her clown friends and thousands of smiling children. My heart smiles when I see these images. And to me they are beautiful. And in them, to me, my friend is absolutely captivating.

I love bowling, It's one of my favorite activities. I'm terrible at it. But its a great way to get to know someone. Today, I kept listening to the "cool kids" group next to us. A little competitive and they were showing off to each other a bit. One of the guys mentioned he couldn't let the girl in the group beat him or he'd play 'till midnight. My God!!! Loosen up!

My group had a girl who was playing her first time... and I think she had fun. So we had her, and she was obviously a little shy about it. But I tried to celebrate gutter balls and claim I was number one when I only got one pin down, and she seemed to realize it was just a game for fun and she started doing the same (and I must say she got a strike and a spare on her first game... pretty damned good in my honest opinion). I think it really was beautiful how she got in there and tried!

The other girl was awesome as well. She was kicking our buts, but even if she only got one or two pins down we'd get the goofy booty shake! The "cool kids" in the next row probably didn't like being stuck with freaks! On the outside they were all the "good looking" types, but I wish I could see them truly let loose and have fun. Forgive me but that's much prettier than pecs on a man or a fancy die job on a woman. Let your inner person shine! Be beautiful!

I should explain the photo on this post. I LOVE IT! I was out with a girlfriend taking shots for a headshot I needed for an audition. She got some fabulous shots but it took me a bit to loosen up (yeah I'm still very concious of how I look). There was this one part where she wanted a particular look from me and I had no idea what she meant. So the above shot is this kind of confused red neck look I got. At the bottom here, I'll post the shot we went with. Another side of my beautiful personality! I wish I could have used the hillbilly shot... but of course, it's not professional... I went with this one, but when its the inside coming out... it's all beautiful! Goofy or straight laced!

Photo credits for this post: The lovely Erinn Watson!

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